I was quite pleased with how this ring turned out; the glassy appearance of the resin with the silvery spider surrounded by a smoky web; it may seem a bit gimmicky, but the web glows!
As a child, I was always taken with glow-in-the-dark novelties and objects; ‘powering’ up the object under the light then watching it give out that strange green glow.
I remember one time my dad bringing home a ‘black light’ bulb, which provided hours of fascination- till it blew! I have to confess, that even as an adult, glow in the dark and UV lighting still appeal to me, but then I guess I’m still a child at heart!
On the subject of insects: I do like spiders, but there are some huge house ones that I think, no way am I picking that one up! And I always have to rescue them quickly, with having four cats, the spider is running a bit of a gauntlet.